Thursday, June 5, 2008

VP Warriors Moving up...

The Vickery Park Warriors of NTPSA fame have concluded another season. After victory and a championship last fall, they moved up 3 divisions to Div. 6. This proved to be a challenge as they finished in 6th position this season, but I'm sure they will move on to even more glory next year. Great season!

Broccoli. (Sorry, I don't know what that means, but Jeff seems to like the phrase...)



Anonymous said...

Is this about futbol? Do they give credit in America for futbol championships? Just askin'.

Libertas said...

Si, es futbol. Yo juego. Y tu? No, no. Tu eres muy Americano.

Yeah, they give credit. Just not very much! I did get a tshirt, though...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, it's not a football championship shirt. Troy's Bucket/Spearmint Rhinos are #1 (at least that one year when we won).

AUburnt2acrisp said...

i didn't know you were playing in a league... did you photoshop yourself in there? why are you the only one wearing a cap and a green shirt? i call shenanigans.

Libertas said...

I didn't play this season - that was my team from Dallas. I had injured my ankle the game before the finals (photo), so I was there for moral support.
Besides, I thought blogs were all about shenanigans anyway??